The journey of the 30th Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant has officially begun!

經過一系列嚴格的篩選,8位通過面試的佳麗首次聚首一堂,完成簽約儀式,正式成為第30屆多倫多華裔小姐競選的候選佳麗,展開她們獨一無二的競美旅程,也是整個競選活動的起點。接下來,佳麗們將迎來一系列精心策劃的專業培訓。大會專業造型團隊將用心打磨每一位佳麗的形象,為她們度身設計最適合的髮型和妝容,確保她們在舞台上展現出最迷人的風采。除此之外,舞蹈和模特導師也將全程指導,幫助她們提升舞台表演技巧和自信心,為即將到來的比賽做足準備。 最衷心的感謝所有參加面試的女生,你們勇敢地踏出第一步,挑戰自己,展現了極强的勇氣和熱情,讓人深受鼓舞,相信你們也會為自己感到自豪。
隨著比賽進入下一階段,期待佳麗在培訓和比賽中的精彩表現,經歷成長和蛻變,在總決賽的舞台上展現最有魅力和自信的自己。亦希望每位佳麗都能在這個過程中,收穫屬於自己的寶貴經驗,共同迎接這場美麗的挑戰! 恭喜各候選佳麗,願多倫多華裔小姐競選的旅程,會為你們的人生添上難忘的一頁!
The 2024 Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant is now underway. After the auditions and contract signing, 8 candidates have officially become this year’s contestants, marking the start of their unique journeys. The contestants will now undergo professional training, including personalized styling and guidance from dance and modelling instructors to enhance their stage presence and confidence for the upcoming competition. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants for your courage and passion. You took the first step, challenging yourselves with enthusiasm and bravery, which is truly inspiring.
As the pageant enters the next phase, we eagerly look forward to seeing the contestants grow, transform, and shine confidently at the grand finale. Congratulations to all, and may this pageant add an unforgettable chapter to your lives!